The very top pool with its heavily shaded right hand bank
The portage up into the 2nd pool that has some really good overhanging trees for an afternoon fish
The upper pools have alot of potential real early or real late in the day
The log angling into the water is where the cod took the fly on the 2nd cast after the first was lightly boofed without inhaling it.
67 cm's of beautiful Mary River Cod caught on a self tied foam rubber legged popper fly. The gear used was a TFO (Temple Fork Outfitters) BVK #8 weight using a cheap WF #8 Floating line bought in Thailand for $25 . The leader was a twisted butt 15kg Penn 10x twisted for 1.2m then single strand for 40 cm attached to this was 50 cm of Maxima 7kg. This set up was tied specifically for use with surface popper stle flies from the yak.
The rubber legged popper fly in the back of his tongue
The magnificent Mary River Cod about to be released near his snag
The tip of a lay down log the bass came out of to hit the popper fly
A healthy little bass
The self tied foam rubber legged (sili legs) popper fly with a polar fibre tail
This was one of many shrimp that the above bass coughed up over my shirt when brought over the side of the yak
A platypus was feeding happily in this first stretch just keeping far enough away to not allow a worthwhile photo
The bottom pool that serves as the entry to the waterway